Tuesday, June 22, 2004
why then...
even in my peaceful sleep;
thou art still bother me!
after all these days,
thou've given an empty hope!
broke my heart,
and rip my life away...
thou art the Queen of B#$%es!!!
a heartless hein...
by my heel;
I care not what thy've become now!
and I hate hell all about thee...
and thee!!!
posted by leave at
Sunday, June 13, 2004
the hollow feelings...
what is it?
I just cant get it;
why should I still cling to thee???
thou've destroyed me,
rip me into pieces!
but the HATRED never come...
just leave me alone!!!
get out of my life;
then I'll walk away from thine's as well...!
save your pitty for the weak!
I'll kill thee from my heart!
I cant lay my eyes on thine's anymore...
so please just GO!
I dont have the ability...
just go!
naze kimi o tasuketa?
posted by leave at
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
once again it happens...
beyond my very dreams it ends!
the difference is,
the PAIN turns into HATRED!!!
which burns me with a vengeance tounge...
how could thee?
left me standing like a fool in the middle of thunder?
waiting for thy on the thin cold wind,
wait until my fingers's freezed...
how could thee?
thou shalln't make me HATE thee!
'cause thou art had have me broken,
for thou art've destroyed mine hopes!
thank thee for the PAIN!
thank thee for the TEARS!
thank thee for the SCARS!
thank thee for the BLOOD!
easy for me to have thee suffer the same!!!
even twice as mean!
"...vengeance you know it taste so good,
vengeance is as cold as ice!..."
posted by leave at
Thursday, June 03, 2004
only the piano accompanies me throughout the day
the sleepy violin
quiet and so cold
I think you've made yourself clear
I know and I'm sure
you don't regret
you say that you're sad too...
that I don't believe!
you being with me was in the past
I hope he loves you more than I do
only then will I bring myself to leave
how badly do you want me to put it
I don't want to break up
why must I depend on a smile to tide me through?
I don't have the ability
to accept both you and him
don't worry too much
I'll still be fine
you've already gone far away
and I will slowly walk away
why is it that even during the break up I have to cling on to you?
I really don't have the ability
staying silent isn't that enjoyable
I will learn to give you up
because I LOVE you so much
this is the translation of the previous post I promised you...
posted by leave at
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
LOVE seeketh not itself to please
nor for itself hath any care,
but for another gives its ease
and builds a HEAVEN in HELL's despair
pains of love be sweeter far
than other pleasures are
love sought is good,
but given unsought is better
let those love now who never loved before
let those who always loved now love the more
which two hearts,
when equally they bear their parts,
with pleasure carry :
but no one, alas!
can bear it ALONE !!!
posted by leave at