Monday, June 25, 2007
I cut myself in the silence, and it still hurts
I have sorrowed the wrong god in the silence
In the world of hurt, nothing ever changes
Bleeding with scares, pride world is dying
The sad black knight crosses his heart
Gloria in the silence
Brilliance in the silence
Black frosty night
posted by leave at
Friday, June 22, 2007
I don't know how long... but it's been some time,
how much do I really know about you?
following the map with my fingertips isn't getting us anywhere,
I see how it distresses you in your face,
so much you try to conceal it.
It's strange... how even as I run in circles
as if resisting my advance to a busy future
my heart still draws you.
When I looked up, the radiance had filled the sky
without losing any of its lustre.
If only we could be like that sun always shining.
I want to be embraced in your scent... if just a little longer
the outside air pulls my collar, but I turned my back to it.
my sighs blurring white in the air, inform me of the season.
going through it again, a thought occurred to me,
What am I doing here?
I want to stay here watching you smile forever
I want to live each changing moment in your eyes,
in that one scene forever colored in gentle hues
to bring us close together, I want to stop time forever.
I want to stay here watching you smile forever
I want to live each changing moment in your eyes,
If one day I could bring you to a serene season
to the flowers blooming in the sky like snowflakes.
...to the flowers
posted by leave at
Friday, June 15, 2007
Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam
~the mouth of the just meditates wisdom~
et lingua eius loquetur iudicium
~and his tounge shall speaks of judgement~
Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem
~blessed is the man who endures temptation~
quoniam cum probatus fuerit accipiet coronam vitae
~for he's proved himself, he shall receive the crown of life~
Kyrie, Ignis divine, eleison
~Lord, Holy Fire, have mercy~
Oh quam Sancta
~Oh how Sacred~
quam Serena
~how serene~
quam Benigna
~how benevolent~
quam amoena
~how lovely~
Oh castitatis lilium
~Oh Lily of purity~
posted by leave at
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Indah atau kampungan, itu terserah anda. Semuanya adalah bentuk kesinisan murni dalam menyikapi masalah yang masing-masing kami alami. Cinta, kepalsuan, kepenatan, dan masih banyak lagi. Daripada menjadi konsumen narkoba atau alkohol dan sebangsanya, kami lebih merelakan diri kami untuk menggoreskan kosa kata-kosa kata yang sebelumnya tidak lazim kami gunakan sehari-hari (kata-kata nu ceunah mah rada-rada geuleuh lamun dipake teh) dengan tumpahan tinta di secarik buku catatan lusuh yang diberi titel "Kitab (yang dianggap) Suci", sebuah Kitab Pujangga-Pujangga segelintir murid-murid SMU St.Aloysius Bandung angkatan '02-'03 (angkatan saya *ehm* .red). Selamat menghayati...
Djalang soenggoeh
rasa hati ingin mengojak;
Marah soenggoeh
rasa lidah setadjam sajat;
tapi boekan, semoea boekan oentoekmoe
soedahlah akoe mati;
akoe haroes belajar
sesoenggoehnya beloem pernah mati
tapi boekan jang oentoek selamanja;
tak sepenoehnja bernjawa
joega tak selamanja;
Akoe tak pernah hidoep sebeloemnja
akoe telah lama mati;
Mengapa kaoe dekap raga ini???
sehingga djiwa ini soenggoeh ada;
Mengapa tak kaoe koeboer sadja dalam-dalam!?
biar akoe tak terdjaga..
Moengkin akoe haroes mati,
tapi oentoek kembali.... hidoep
ditulis 19.02.02 -daniel-
*bila Sang Pemilik Nyawa ini berkenan, semua tulisan yang ada di buku kusam yang penuh kenangan itu akan aku tumpahkan disini... tapi lebih penting lagi, apabila Anda bersedia membacanya*
posted by leave at