Monday, July 30, 2007
I wonder what will happen
When the day comes
That I must leave you...
I wonder will you cry
I wonder will you be happy
I wonder will you miss me...
Will you lie awake at night
Remembering all the good times
Or will you sit
And only think of the bad...
Will you wonder where I am at night
Will you wonder what I'm doing
Or will you just not care...
Will it hurt you to think
Of all the times we've shared
Or will they just slip your mind
Like they were never there...
Will you remember all the laughs
Or will you forget those
And put them in your past...
Will you remember all the tears
Or replace them with all of your fears...
Will you pretend like we never happened
And let us go along the years...
Will you drowned out all of your sorrows
With laughter and cheers...
Will you forget that yesterday was here
And wave goodbye to all of our memories...
Will you try to hold on to everything we've got...
Or say goodbye to old times
And go on with everything your not...?
posted by leave at
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
As I wandered through those fenced in fields
among those flowers, you're almost concealed
I wrap my fingers carefully around
you don't know I'm there, I didn't make a sound
No matter how soft I am, I bruise your light wings
not knowing the damage, a song I sing
Caged in my grip, you start to worry
you start to cry and your vision gets blurry
You don't know where you're flying now
wings can only fly as my grip will allow
Starting to realize you were meant to fly
your spirit slowly starts to die
If only you'd known I was on my way
you'd have turned around and flown away
If only your screams I could hear
those fences never would have disappeared
But I watched you go with only a sigh
you're long gone now, My Cosmic Butterfly...
posted by leave at
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Memories... The voice that's been silent all these years thinks deep thoughts but, I thought I destroyed every memory we had. They were lost long ago, but they're all coming back. Your endless nights of pleasure, as my body laid there, motionless and powerless. The endless crying buried deep within me, you never heard...
Don't do it again, please, don't do it again, I'll be good, you're hurting me.. You left me with a Demon, ripping, tearing, and striping, my heart apart.. The memories keep holding on, they are so fucking strong, and for the darkest nights I rest, I pray for a brighter day...
posted by leave at
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Lonely man missing his wife. If you could shop for loneliness, would you shop alone? Would you shop among many, or would there even be any? And if you were to find loneliness, sitting there upon a shelf. Would you be willing to pay the price, for the seclusion of ones self? We spite the feel of loneliness. Although it is quite real. We can't quite escape the darkness and self pity, that loneliness makes us feel. Loneliness often makes us think of family and mistakes we've made in life.
My loneliness comes most often, when I think about my wife...
posted by leave at
Sunday, July 15, 2007
When I lie awake at night I stare away at pure black. The darkness of the night soothes me. The constant noise of voices in my head never leaves. The voices are saying things that ought to be heard. Things that haunt me. Things that have hurt.
The pain never goes. The deep never fills. I am hurt. For now I rest.
I lie in my final minutes for which the pain has left me. The deep not filled for it is bad and has gone to far to save. The red over flows. I lay soaked. It does not stop.
I thought of love but that thought had disappeared just like the world around. The dark comes back but does not leave.
I am gone for now I awake to a new place.
Here's my truth.
posted by leave at
Friday, July 13, 2007
How did I get these memories? This boy is a stranger to me. And yet I see what happened to him, I see him cry and plea. This boy was murdered by a stranger. His aura covered with fear. He screamed until his remaining breath and his final tear. I hate to watch what happened to him. But I cannot make it stop, I know he is dead, that is for sure. In my memory I see him drop. And now his thoughts lead me here, to a place that's cold and damp.
I look closer, and it is the morgue... lit by a single lamp. The bodies are all lain out. Each one has been uncovered. He forces me to look at them, not one is undiscovered. I look with horror at the bodies. Every one has a story to tell... I try not to listen to the silence of the room, I force myself not to yell.. This boy has brought me here for a reason, I know this for a fact! I gaze at each lifeless body.. at the walls, all torn and cracked. I start to leave this horrid place but something catches my eye! One single door has yet to be opened... He says look, and to not cry! I slowly walk to the secret door. My fear growing still. The boy tells me not to be afraid. His wishes I am to fulfill...I grab the handle and pull it open, I look at the boy, not wanting to flee.. I understand why he brought me here... For that dead little boy is me......
shivers you?
posted by leave at
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I always say that I am out of time
It seems that time goes too fast
No matter what I do
It never helps me inside
Because I am out of time
I tried to make things right
But I was out of time
I wonder if my life will be out of time
I wish I could go back and change the hands of time
My heart will always be filled with hurt and sorrow
It will be the hurt and sorrow of losing a dear one
No matter how many times I try to forget you
It is just impossible to forget the person who gave me life.

It is sad for me to think that way
But it is just how I feel inside
I sometimes think why was your life out of time?
Should things have been like they were?
Maybe I could have changed the way we treated each other
Now I am out of time to fix it
No matter how many tears I shed for the loss I feel
I should have known better
But I didn't
So we ended it with my feeling sorrow and broken hearted, and having ongoing tears
Everyday that passes;
I sit here and wish you were here to share all the good things with me
Sadly to say we were out of time
posted by leave at
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there, I do not sleep
I am the sparkle in the snow
I am the shredded leaves that blow
I am the sunlight on growing grain
I am the gentle summer rain
I am the quiet bird at night
Circling about; Taking flight
So do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there, I do not sleep
posted by leave at
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Her eyes begin to close as the tears roll to the floor
She knows death has pranced into the room for the reason of the kiss
She hears the moon calling as the ocean whispers her name
She lays there,
Her hand slowly begin to grow cold
She is torn if she should go with them or not into the deep night sky
She decides to stop fighting them for she knows they will not leave without her tonight
Hearing the calling of her over and over again,
She my now rest her head with ease,
As she dances into the calling of the moon,
And the ocean's soft whispers
posted by leave at
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Nani mo osorerukoto wa nai
Onore no naka ni sonzai surueichi wa
Miezaru kyouki no ura ni kakusareteiru
Mezame yo Eien fuhen no jiga douitsu sei
So, break free in madness
posted by leave at